tried to do a good job here, but it was not easy. Doing this site was a
little mess. If you do not have many dates about your material it is
hard to assign the pictures to the right years. Especially in the
biography 2nd part I think there will be some mistakes. As there are
not many pictures of Renée - she keeps her life private -
magazines oftenly use older pictures of her in their articles. If
I could sort a date to the stuff shown
here I included this info. I hope it is a help
for other people who collect on Renée Simonsen, too!
I had a little contact
with Miss Simonsen some years ago. She knows about
this site. But this site is not official!
I want to thank all the people who did help me with my (now very big)
Renée Simonsen collection. Without you it would not be that
what it has become. The one or other may remember some things shown
here having once at his own. I hope you know your things are in good
hands here! I am happy I have found friends all around the
world and
for some I am in contact now over many, many years. This is so
and deserves more than a thank you - people, you
are always in
my heart! "Mange tak!" extra to every one in Denmark I do know for
keeping me updated about Renée Simonsen news. Thank you also
to some of the
very few companies who did take my inquiries for serious and helped me
like BIOTHERM Germany, ELLE Germany, FLEYE Denmark, In Wear Germany and
KARSTADT Germany. A VERY BIG THANKS to my husband Jochen for his
understanding, big patience, support and making this site possible.
Thanks to my
mum, my so much beloved brother and sister. Last but not least
want to thank Renée Simonsen who makes me forget about the
bad things
in life when I am spending time with this hobby.

For the DSGVO I am not longer able to offer a contact form on this site. Sorry.