Renée Toft Simonsen - Biography - part 312  

french ELLE 15. July 2002, ph.: Carole Bellaiche


Renée is modeling free of charge "Kirkens Korshaer" (churchal organisation) second hand clothes. Her husband Thomas is best singer again and wins his 12. danish Grammy in February for his album "Dream". The danish television channel TV2 shows a 40 minutes portray "Supermodel - med det hele" about Renée. In May she is visiting with Thomas a Bob Dylan concert in Denmark. At the 26. August she marries Thomas Helmig at the church in Torslev. Renée wears a wedding-dress designed by Munthe plus Simonsen. Renée and Thomas are spending their honeymoon in Amalfi (Italy). »»»


She is playing in her husbands music-clip for the song "She´s leaving".
For the U.K. Wallpaper magazine, November issue, she does a erotic photo. »»»


Renée completes her studies in psychology with success.
She is back in a international fashion-magazine: french ELLE gives tribut to the top models of the past years.
With Thomas she is visiting the Danish Music Awards.
Renée Simonsen reveals that since November 1997 she has sponsored the now 14-year old girl Joaquina Quiuchaca who lives in Bolivia. "Through my sponsorship my own children become aware that it is necessary to help other children who are less privileged," says Renée.
She refuses a research contract by the university, because she prefers to be home as mother for her children. »»»


Renée signs a 3-year-contract with cosmetic company CLARINS.
She writes a book for children and does a contribution to a book about the way women love and about relationships.
French ELLE magazine reminds of Renée in their 3000. number anniversary issue in an article about all the famous models who worked for french ELLE magazine or still work for them.
"Renées and Thomas love is still hot! It is very close to three years since Thomas Helmig, 39, and Renée Toft Simonsen, 37, exchanged I do's. And they glowed happily together at Munthe Plus Simonsen's fashion show in the heart of Copenhagen, with their arms around each other and displaying big, giddy smiles. They only said: "We look forward to the show" before they entered the big glass doors. From the first row of the catwalk they could see those designs that Renée is so crazy about and which she has catwalked in several times. On stage and off-stage. When Thomas and Renée were married, it was those two designers who designed Renée's wedding dress. The happy couple patted each other thighs during the show. There were hugs, loving glances from Thomas to Renée and vice versa, and especially giddy laughs. Liberating to see that mommy Renée and daddy Thomas can take an evening off from the children. They are crazy about each other." - danish Billed Bladet #33 13. Aug. 2003
In September appears an interview Renée has given to the german stern magazine.
And in October she graces again a cover, from the danish ALT magazine.
Renée is publishing her first book at the 29. October. She has written a book called "KARLAS KABALE" for 8 - 11-year old children. The book is about a girl whose father is an alcoholic. Apparently she is also writing on a novel for adults as well as another childrens book.
Another cover appearance for the danish COSTUME magazine, December issue.
Since Renée is more at home she has more time to enjoy the christmas days and she is dreaming of having another baby. It would suit her just fine to try and get pregnant again, but her husband Thomas is not so thrilled about the idea. »»»


A little international model-comeback for Renée: german ELLE magazine does a 5-pages beauty-report with her in February and it also appears a bit later in the french ELLE magazine of 23. February #3034.
Renée and Thomas are visiting a evening-school to learn spanish, because they have bought a house in Spain.
Thomas releases his new album "El Camino" at the 19. April and there is a song on it called "OK Renée".
In April Renée visits with a group of journalists Uganda for a Plan-International project.
Danish DR1 tv is showing at the beginning of May a gardening report with Renée.
Renée and Thomas are invited in May to the wedding party of Mary Donaldson and crownprince Frederik at Copenhagen.
The danish furniture designer Hanne Kjaerholm creats a piece of beauty-furniture called "Renee". Dedicated to Renée for her beauty, success as a psykologist and writer of childbooks and family-man.
From August until September Renée graces 3 times covers of danish magazines: Söndag, EUROWOMAN and mom. Big subject of the interviews for these magazines: FRIENDSHIP! Renée is writing colums for Söndag and monthly in mom magazine.
In September Renée releases her second book for children called "KARLA OG KATRINE" which is about two girls and the importance to have a friend in childhood. Her first childs book "KARLAS KABALE" is so successful that it shall be soon published also in english language.
They celebrate Thomas Helmigs 40. birthday in October at a camping site.
In November she is with Eileen Ford in Copenhagen at the search for the new Supermodel of the Year and she got an award (BMF) for her book "KARLA OG KATRINE". »»»


At the end of January Renée has a shooting for Clarins cosmetics in L.A. with photographer Chris Craymer.
Danish mom magazine is stopped and Renée loses her column.
Renée detects a knot in her breast. After an closer examination it turned out to be good.
In April Renée and Thomas are guests at the culture festival for writer Hans Christian Andersens 200. birthday anniversary. She wears a pretty red robe which the danish designers munthe plus simonsen have designed especially for her.
At the 12. May Renée celebrates her 40. birthday.
Thomas and Renées friend Maria Struzik-Krull dies of cancer. Thomas helps her husband Hans Krull to arrange the funeral and Thomas also sings the song "Amazing Grace" in the church.
In Autumn Renée and Thomas have plans to go to Spain for half a year to produce Thomas new album. When the kids are out of school they want to move to Spain and live there permanently.
Renée and Thomas move in September to Spain to have less stress there and more time for each other. They are living near Malaga (Andalucia) in 2 houses and are staying there for one year. Renee calls themselves "luxury-refugees", because they runned away. But not because of war or hunger, but of a stressed life. Renée feels bad, because the kids suffer for the move - "They did not want to move from the beginning on and it has cost a lot of cola and candy to make the kids feel better". Also they bought them a little dog named "Rosa".
Renée has another "Karla" childrens book on the way in November ("Karlas svære valg") and another book about a boy who is a secret agent "Anthony Greenwood and the american president" is published in October including a computer game. The book is translated into english and so she hopes it will be sold to publishers abroad. Her daughter Ulrikke got "her" book about "Karla", now Jens-Kristian got "his" book about "Anthony Greenwood" and next year there will be one for little Hugo. Renée has 4 books in her head and she can not stop writing.
Once again in her life Renée cuts her hair (very) short.
She wants to stop smoking. She has tried once before, but this time she really wants it. »»»


Renées book "Anthony Greenwood" is nominated for the danish book award "Orla".
To the end of May Renée releases 2  picture books for childs: "Lillebror og kyssekvælerslangen" and "Lillebror og Silver".
Back in Denmark in summer Renée is guest at the fashion-show of designers munthe plus simonsen.
At the 12. October her new book "KARLA OG JONAS" is released. It is about identity and cultural roots.
Renée receives at the 2. November "The Most Dynamic Women" award by Clarins for her social engagement at Plan Denmark. The price is donated with 150.000 DKK (ca. $25.800 / 20.100 EUR).  »»»


Renées KARLA books will make it to the movies.
She has chosen to put her heart into another organization which fights for childrens rights – the newly established Childrens Heart Foundation which is working to improve heartsick childrens conditions.
In March she is visiting with Thomas the Danish Music Awards and Renée is giving advice in the danish FEMINA magazine to the readers questions regarding problems in love, marriage, sex children, etc.
In summer Renée is doing with her family a camping tour to visit Germany, France and Spain.
In August she publishes a new book called "Tuesday morning". It is a novel about the beautiful and intellligent women Iben who has a job and a man she is passionate about. Despite this, she develops a severe anxiety neurosis which prevents her from living life. She starts to frequent a public pool weekly where she meets other women who have other problems and it is the start of a way out of her anxiety. In these days she is more in the danish press to promote her book.
In November she is visiting with her family the premiere of Karlas Kabale movie.  »»»


Renée is taking a break from writing and not releasing another book this year.
The movie adaption of "Karlas Kabale" received the Gabriel award, which is awarded by the National Association of Parish Councils, because it is a fantastic Christmas tale and a good social realism.  »»»


Renées second childs book "KARLA OG KATRINE" had been filmed, too and starts at the 6. February in the danish cinemas. Her next Karla book is called "Karla Superstjerne" and tells about Karla who wants to become a model.
Renée has a little crisis and is sick of her husband and kids. But after a 3-week trip with her girlfriends to Thailand she is strong again and much in love with Thomas and has the strength to be a good mum for the kids.
Suntanned from her trip to Thailand she is guest with Thomas in March at the royal court ball, wearing a beautiful black dress of Day Birger.
Renée is manager of a company called Sista´s and has started a website ( for divorced parents to cooperate around their children. Renée is helping as a psychologist answering questions for families in need and distress.
She is working on a new book, a book for youth (ages 13 - 17).
Her novel "Tirsdag formiddag" is accepted by a norway publishers house.
The third Karla movie is on the way and will have premiere in Denmark in February 2010.   »»»


Renées contract with CLARINS cosmetics ends in January.
Her novel "Tirsdag formiddag" is published in Norway.
In February her book for teenagers "DOMT TIL FRIHED" is released. It is a tough story about being neglected and findind your own way in life, about going from being a child to being a young person who has to act and think for yourself.
Also she started writing for the leftwing newspaper called Information.   »»»


In February Renee wins the Ecco Walk In Style award which is donated with 250.000 DKK (ca. $50.000 / 33.500 EUR). The money was given to Plan Denmark to support vulnerable girls in Zimbabwe.   »»»